Meet Our Veba Medical Advisory Board:

Committed to Your Family's Well-being

At Veba, we've assembled a dedicated team of esteemed medical professionals, including trusted pediatric specialists and leading experts in maternal health. Together, we collaborate to elevate our technologies and innovate our products, so we can continue prioritizing the safety and health of your growing family.

Dr. Hope Lima

International board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC)

Registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)

Nutritional biochemistry PhD

Owner, Hope Feeds Families, LLC.

learn more about Dr Hope

Dr. Phil Boucher

Board-certified pediatrician (M.D.)

Owner and Pediatrician, Frontier Pediatric Care

Mastermind behind “Dear Parents” on Substack

Learn more about Dr B

Kelly Toledano

Certified breastfeeding consultant

Medical assistant

Certified phlebotomist technician

Owner, Latch of Love, LLC.

Learn more about Kelly

Nicole Morales

Pediatric sleep specialist

Newborn care expert

Postpartum doula

Owner, Dreamland Sleep Solutions, LLC.

Learn more about Nicole

Our Story

How Veba Was Born

When Veon Brewster emigrated to the US from Jamaica at the tender age of 7, she had already discovered a passion for education, engineering and technology. That passion brought her to a career in computer science and a position at one of the largest tech firms in the world.

Then Veon became a mom — and everything changed. She was struggling with an issue that many parents face: overproduction of breast milk and the challenge of keeping track of it all. When one day, after her precious newborn experienced a fever and severe colic due to spoiled milk, Veon knew she needed to do something about it. So she used her tech and engineering background to create a solution that would alleviate this pain point for every parent — and Veba was born.

A Mission to Shake Things Up

At Veba, we’re here to start a movement, empowering and supporting parents in their ability to offer the highest quality breast milk and formula, free from harmful contaminants, and that their children are always getting enough nutrition for their optimal health and development. That’s why our technology tracks milk and formula expiration in accordance with CDC and WHO guidelines, to ensure that your standard of freshness aligns with the best science available.

What We’ve Been Up To

We have had the honor to participate in a number of wonderful events and opportunities including Techstars Atlanta, the World Ecommerce Awards, PregoExpo, CES, becoming a 2024 Twice Picks Awards winner, and being featured in Forbes. We continue to be humbled each and every day that our innovations are so well received!

Our Commitment to Safety

To us, as parents, there is never a more important word than safety. It just so happens to be our favorite word, something we will never compromise on, and our greatest commitment to you. That is why Veba abides by only the utmost safety standards, testing, and the materials we use. In addition to tracking milk expiration with the best science available, our device is EMI and EMC tested, and is manufactured with both baby safe bluetooth and baby safe silicone. Because the health and safety of your little one will always be our number one priority.